I wouldn't class myself as an avid reader but admire good books. I prefer short but thought provoking books in technology, fiction and classics. When I stumble on a good book, I don't differentiate until the last page of the text is read.

Currently, not up-to-date but you can check out my Goodreads profile to see what I have read, reading and plan to read when time permit.

Postcast is the new thing for when I like to take a break away from everything else. Here are a few that I try to listen in my spare time.

IRL Podcast
Manoush Zomorodi explores real stories of life online – and real talk about how we can all keep the Internet healthy, weird and wonderful. IRL is an original podcast from the Mozilla Corporation.
Smashing Security - Episodes Archive
News and views from the world of cybersecurity, hacking, and internet threats
Exponential View by Azeem Azhar
Azeem Azhar’s weekly guide to the future.Trusted by 50,000+ every week
Re-thinking the Human Factor Podcast - Marmalade Box
The Re-thinking the Human Factor podcast is about security awareness, behaviour and culture and find out how to take the guess work out of the human factor.
Down the Security Rabbithole Podcast
Security. Some assembly required. Security is HARD, and ‘real security’ is a compromise between usability and security while knowing you’re still accepting risk.This podcast alternates between interesting interviews and news analysis every other week - tune in, subscribe and join the conversation …
Wait But Why
A popular long-form, stick-figure-illustrated blog about almost everything.